NatureLife Cambodia Orgainises Training for the Newly Established Biodiversity Conservation Group

The NatureLife Cambodia Organisation has early this month orgainsed a foundational training for the newly established Kaun Va Biodiversity Conservation Group, which has recently gained official recognition from local authorities. According to the orgaisation's news release on Sunday, nine dedicated community members, including three women, participated in this training focused on essential skills for effective forest patrols. During the training, participants learned to use Avenza Maps, GPS, develop monthly reports, and take photos. These skills are crucial for community members to support patrol efforts within the community and sustainable use zones of Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary. Although newly established, the group demonstrated strong commitment, actively engaging in both theoretical sessions and field practice. Upon completing the course, a post-training test showed excellent results-each trainee gained confidence in using GPS and Avenza Maps on their smartphones. With this training finance by USAID- Morodok Baitang and Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary REDD+ Project, Kaun Va community members are well-prepared to lead conservation efforts around Tuan Kaun Va village in Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri province. Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse