The new Netflix series "The 8 Show" explores the true nature of human society through the story of eight contestants entangled in a high-stakes reality competition, its director said Friday. "Eight financially troubled individuals receive an offer from mysterious figures just when they are about to give up on their lives," Han Jae-rim said of the show during a press conference at a Seoul hotel. "They are offered to sell the time they were about to give up and compete in a reality show where they can win substantial prize money over time by simply taking part." As the contestants navigate the game, they continue to cooperate or betray or be at odds with each other, all while trying to figure out how to maximize their accumulated time to win, Han explained. Starring Ryu Jun-yeol, Chun Woo-hee, Park Jung-min, Park Hae-joon, Bae Seong-woo, Lee Yul-eum, Lee Zoo-young and Moon Jeong-hee, the eight-part series is a fusion of Bae Jin-soo's hit webtoons "Money Game" and "Pie Game." Asked why he adapted the two d ifferent webtoon series -- one about a survival game and another a black comedy -- Han said, "I discovered the 'Pie Game' series while contemplating how to overcome the limitations of a survival drama format where characters progressively disappear over time." "And it had this rule: No killing allowed. This means everyone has to cooperate to win. So, I thought it would be interesting to combine the two stories. Thankfully, the author generously granted me permission." "The series then naturally evolved into a tragicomedy because cooperation is not always possible," he explained. The series opens with voice-over narration by the lead character, Jin-soo (played by Ryu Jun-yeol), a young man on the brink of despair, burdened by debt. Ryu said he readily agreed to join the series following their previous collaboration for the Korean crime thriller film "The King" (2017). "He is an unremarkable person without any distinct characteristics," Ryu said of his character, Jin-soo, who selects the third out of eight floors up for choice. "Among various characters, he makes ordinary and common choices. He pursues safety, and is a quiet and ordinary person." The series is slated for release next Friday. Source: Yonhap News Agency